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How To Create Email Signature

How To Create Email Signature

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Let us explain it.

"Calls (phone) + Emails (envelope) = Global Connections (world + handshake)."

Meaning: Effective communication creates global partnerships. ✅

And effective communication is the start of every health and effective relationship. ‘Nice to e-meet you’ became a standard, because we meet so many more people in email threads than in-person. Therefore, our email appearance and presentation can be more important than we first thought.

That’s why it’s important to take care of creating simple, yet effective & attractive email signature.

And that’s what we’re going to learn today. đŸ€©

What Is Actually Email Signature?

An email signature is a block of text or a visual footer automatically appended to the end of an email message. It typically includes essential details such as the sender's name, job title, company, contact information, and sometimes additional elements like company logos, social media links, or disclaimers.

In other words, email signature is simple, but effective tool for your brand promotion. It doesn’t cost much, it won’t take much of your time, and once you create the right one, it can serve you for a very long period of time.

But just as for everything else, people want to find quick, cheap (in other words, free) and attractive solution for their email signature. They want a tool that will allow them to make something astonishing without designing too much (especially if they’re not designers), without any coding, and without any special requirements.

That’s why we’re going to teach you how to create an attractive + free email signature today.

Why Email Signature Is So Important?

Beyond contact details, an email signature adds professionalism to every message. 💬

It shows attention to detail and conveys a polished image, especially in business correspondence where first impressions matter.

A signature also helps reinforce brand consistency if it includes elements like the company logo, colours, and fonts. For teams, using a unified email signature across the organisation creates a cohesive brand image and positively affects credibility in external communications.

Without a strong email signature, emails might come across as informal, disorganised, or even untrustworthy. Recipients may have difficulty finding your contact details or recognising who you represent, which can negatively affect business relationships and opportunities.

What If You Don’t Have Good Enough Email Signature

People often choose to send the email message that contains the following signature:

Kind Regards,

John Doe



When you send an emails with a minimalistic signature like "Kind regards, Name & Surname" or without a well-designed email signature, this is what you’re telling about yourself:

  • You Have Lack of Professionalism: A simple sign-off without further details can appear informal or unpolished, especially in business settings. It may give the impression of carelessness or lack of attention to detail. ❌
  • You’re Okay With Losing: Without a non-customised email signature, you can lose more leads and potential deals. ❌
  • You’re Sharing Incomplete Informations: If you only include your name, the recipient might struggle to find your contact information when they need it. A full signature should contain alternate methods of communication (for example, phone number, email, website etc), making it easier for clients or colleagues to reach you. ❌
  • You’re Not Credible Enough: A well-constructed signature with your job title, company, and credentials shows authority and expertise. Without these details, you may appear less established, especially in new or formal business relationships. ❌
  • You’re Okay With Missing Promotion Opportunities: You might lose the opportunity to promote new products, services, or events, or to direct recipients to your social media profiles, blog, or website. ❌
  • You’re Creating Inefficient Email Threads: When emails are forwarded or shared within teams, recipients often look for the sender's role and company for context. Without that information in the signature, you may cause confusion or extra searching for others to identify you. ❌

Many ❌s here. Means, you won’t benefit that much if you keep using such ‘email signatures’. There’s much more than using Kind Regards and your name.

You can really create amazing email signatures by following some proven rules, and here they are:

  1. Keep it Simple and Clean - Avoid overwhelming recipients with too much information. Stick to essential details like your name, job title, company, and contact information. Very often a clean, minimalist design is easier to read and looks more professional. Also, you can use whitespace effectively to prevent clutter. ✅
  2. Include Relevant Contact Information - Always include your name, job title, company, phone number, and email address. These are basic but essential. It will be great if you Include your company’s website or blog to direct recipients to further resources. On top of that, adding social media icons to profiles (LinkedIn, Instagram, X etc.) can promote engagement, but ensure these profiles are professional. ✅
  3. Use Brand Elements - Add your company’s logo for visual branding. Make sure that the logo is appropriately sized and not too large. Consult with your marketing team to make sure that your email signature is based on your company’s brand book. ✅
  4. Choose Appropriate Font Styles and Sizes - Use standard, web-safe fonts like Arial, Helvetica, or Calibri. Avoid fancy or script fonts that might not display correctly on all devices. Keep the font size between 10-12 points for regular text and slightly larger for your name or job title. ✅
  5. Add a Call to Action - If relevant, include a CTA such as “Check out our latest blog post” or “Follow us on LinkedIn”, but keep it subtle and appropriate for the context of your emails. ✅
  6. Incorporate Legal Disclaimers if Necessary - In industries like law, finance, or healthcare, a legal disclaimer might be necessary. Keep it short and place it at the very end to avoid disrupting the flow of information. ✅
  7. Ensure Mobile Responsiveness - Make sure your signature looks good on mobile devices. Many email clients display emails differently on smartphones, so test your signature for responsiveness. ✅
  8. Use Dividers for Better Structure - Horizontal lines or vertical dividers can separate different elements of your signature, such as contact information and social media links, making it easier to read. Check the right example bellow the list. ✅
  9. Avoid Excessive Use of Images - Limit the number of images to avoid slow loading times or issues with email clients that block images. Ensure that any images used are optimised for fast loading. ✅
  10. Test Across Platforms - Test your signature across multiple email clients (Outlook, Gmail, Apple Mail) and devices (desktop, mobile) to ensure it displays properly. ✅
  11. Check The Signature For Both Light and Dark Mode - Make sure that your signature is readable both for dark and for the light mode. ✅

Wanna have an email signature that follows all the mentioned steps? Let’s make it together! 🎉

How To Create Email Signature?

Every result worth getting requires work worth doing it ✅

But in a matter of minutes, you can have a nice-looking, attractive and effective email signatures, as on the image above ☝

There are numerous of platforms that’ll give you the opportunity to create the email signature. One of them is MailSign, email signature generator created by Tapni Team.

By the way, we collected 5 best tips for adding an image to your email signature! 🚀

MailSign is an email signature solution designed to add a touch of professionalism and personalisation to your emails. There are multiple section we need to cover inside our MailSign Dashboard:


You can start with nine custom templates that cater to a broad spectrum of user needs. These templates allow you to embed crucial details from personal identifiers like name and job role to vital company branding elements like logos and banners.


Personal Section

This section lets users connect their personal informations with a dynamic interface. Upload your professional image, set its width, and even choose a placeholder if needed. Your name, job designation, and email also find their neat spots here.

Business Section

Integrate your company's logo, set its dimensions, and choose between having a placeholder image or the actual one.

Design Section

MailSign appreciates that a signature's appearance matters. Choose to display or hide icons related to contact details. Adjust the size of these and the social media icons to your liking. You also have control over dividing lines, adjusting their widths and colours, ensuring a neat separation of your information. Plus, to acknowledge the tool, you have the option to show or hide the "Created with | Powered by Tapni" line.

CTA section

You can add two Call-To-Action buttons as a part of your email signature. These can be tailored to direct readers to specific web pages or prompt particular actions. You can link these CTAs to images and adjust their display sizes.

Professional Disclaimer

It emphasises the private nature of the email content and ensures recipients understand the necessity of confidentiality. You have the autonomy to display or remove this, based on your preference.

👋 Wrapping It Up

Today we learned that a nice-looking, and attractive email signature is important because:

  1. You Will Show That You’re Committed To Professionalism - act like the person you want to be. Ask yourself: how that person will behave in my place? What kind of email signature will have the Nike’s CEO, or Starbucks’s Head of HR? ✅
  2. You’re A True Winner & You’re Thinking About Every Detail That Matters - in business, everything’s important. Don’t skip those tiny details that seems not that important at the moment. ✅
  3. You Wanna Become The Best Closer In The City - first impression matters, and an effective email signature will make sure that no opportunities are lost. ✅

For all these reasons, we highly recommend you to try to create your email signature today - you deserve to add a nice touch to your business (and personal) presentation. ✊

🎁 Bonus: How To Turn Email Signature Into Digital Business Card

Email Signature that’s not only that - but a business card as well?

Possible with the!

With MailSign, you can add a QR Code to your email signature, and give a chance to all the email readers to check your digital business card and/or download your contact details.

This can positively affect your business and customer relationships, because it will show that you’re thinking about potential follow-up, and you wanna make sure that everybody can reach out to you via some different sources if you’re unavailable via email.

On top of that, the chances that people will scan the QR Codes are huge - just in 2022. there were 5.3 billion QR Codes scans in the segment of coupon promotion.

MailSign gives you possibility not only to add the QR Code, but also to customise it, and choose if you want to link it to some other web source, company’s presentation, marketing material etc.

All of this - for free!

Would you like to start generating email signatures for your team faster than ever before? Find out the most important tips on how to create the right email signatures by checking the following articles:

How To Add Digital Business Card To Your Email Signature

How To Add An Image To Your Email Signature

Best Business Card Titles For Business Owners

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