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What Is a Digital Business Card and How Does It Work? [Definitive Guide] - Tapni Europe

What Is a Digital Business Card and How Does It Work? [Definitive Guide]

Digital business cards are quickly becoming a staple of modern networking. 

In today's digital world, having an online presence is more important than ever. 

And digital business cards make it easier to stay connected with colleagues, partners, and potential customers. 

But what exactly is a digital business card?

This guide will help you understand what digital business cards are, what their benefits are, and how you can use them to kickstart your networking activities.

Let’s dive in.

What Is Digital Business Card?

Digital business cards are a modern, innovative way to make a professional impression and share contact information with colleagues, customers, and business partners. 

In today's digital world, physical business cards are becoming outdated. 

Digital business cards offer an easier way to exchange information without printing or carrying bulky paper cards. 

A digital business card is like a traditional paper card but with added features such as links to social media profiles, websites, and online portfolios. 

Digital cards can also include photos or logos that represent your brand identity. 

Unlike traditional paper cards that require printing and often get lost in drawers or wallets, digital business cards are accessible from any device with an internet connection

This makes them much more efficient for recipients to store and share contact details with others in their networks. 

In addition to being easy to access and share, many companies offer free templates that allow you to create business cards how you like them and according to your brand.

The Benefits of Digital Business Cards

Digital business cards are quickly becoming a popular way for businesses to connect with clients and customers. 

They offer several advantages over traditional paper business cards, so let’s look at the most important ones.

1. They’re More Convenient

One of the main advantages of digital business cards is their convenience. 

Unlike paper business cards that need to be printed out or carried around with you at all times, digital business cards can be easily sent via email or message straight away when needed.

This eliminates the need for carrying physical copies and makes it much easier to stay connected with potential customers and clients on the go.

Plus, digital business cards don't get damaged as physical ones do over time.

2. Contain All Your Important Information

Digital business cards can contain more information than traditional business cards, such as links to a personal website or blog, social media accounts, and multimedia content.

Not only can you store whatever you want, but on other hand, digital business cards are easier to update, access, and share.

3. They Are Cost-effective

Another major benefit of using digital business cards is their cost-effectiveness compared to traditional paper versions. 

Printing out physical copies can be expensive due to printing costs and ink cartridges, whereas sending out digital versions does not require any additional costs other than an internet connection or phone plan. 

Digital business cards are usually affordable compared to physical ones, which need to be printed multiple times over the year if you want them to provide relevant contact information. 

4. They’re Customizable

Digital business cards(such as Tapni) give you the ability to share all the necessary details of your brand image.

You have absolute freedom to import your logo and color scheme down to subtler things, such as how calls to action are expressed or including a signature tagline and offers. 

5. Offer CRM Integrations

Digital business cards provide you with CRM integrations such as HubSpot, Salesforce, Zoho, Microsoft Dynamics, or Zapier, for example, to help you import existing contacts into suitable CRM systems for improving customer interaction. 

6. They Are Eco-friendly

Finally, another great advantage that comes from using digital business cards is environmental sustainability compared to traditional paper ones, which inevitably end up in landfills after use. 

Opting for a more eco-friendly business card solution allows businesses to keep in contact with potential customers and clients without impacting the environment.

Who Can Use Digital Business Cards?

Digital business cards have become increasingly popular as a way to make an impression, keep in touch, and stay organized. 

But who can actually use them?

Digital business cards are not just for entrepreneurs or tech-savvy. 

They are for anyone who wants to stay connected in today's digital world and to share their contact information with someone quickly and easily. 

Here's who can benefit from using digital business cards:

1. Salespeople 

If you're in sales and you're handing out your card, there's a good chance the person you gave it to will throw it away without even looking at it. 

With digital business cards, that won't happen because they'll be able to save it and look at it later if they want to.

2. Business Owners

If you have an online presence, digital business cards make it easier for people to connect with you through various channels like social media, email, or phone calls. 

You can also include links to your website on these cards so people can learn more about your company or products.

3. Job Applicants

Candidates pursuing a new career can empower their resumes with digital business cards to be remarkable. 

Adding this form of the tech-savvy card adds twofold advantages: 

  • it assists hires in contacting them easily and affords recruiters access to the potential hire's portfolio. 
  • Job-seekers who desire to stand apart from the crowd should integrate digital business cards into their resumes for productive results. 

Recruiters only need to activate a QR Code straight from their phone and access all the applicants' data in a single click.

4. Entrepreneurs 

For entrepreneurs who want to network with other professionals in their field, digital business cards can be a great way to get noticed by potential customers and partners. 

Your card might even lead someone else to refer you for work!

5. Real Estate Agents

When buying a house or any piece of real estate, creating strong ties with a realtor is of utmost importance when it comes to securing the transaction. 

Most buyers buy homes via real estate agents or brokerage agents. 

There are different appointments associated with property procurement, so real estate personnel can electronically send out their professional cards to remain in contact with clients.

Not only does this support exchanging salient points and references, but realtors can also furnish readied parties with supplementary material.

How To Make a Digital Business Card?

Creating a digital business card is essential to networking and ensuring that people have your contact information. 

So, how do you create a digital business card? 

Here are the steps for creating Tapni digital business card as an example:

1. Choose a Card Type

There are many online services that offer templates for creating digital business cards. 

You can choose from different designs and themes or create something completely unique with custom designs or images.


2. Enter Your Name

The next step is to input your name and choose the font size if it’s possible to be adjusted.


3. Design It

To design your digital business cards, you can add visuals such as logos or images related to your field of work or personal brand to give the card more personality and make it stand out from the crowd. Upload the image on the front and back side, choose the card’s color, and you’re ready to go.

4. Share It

Finally, once you are happy with how everything looks, order it, so you can easily use and share digital business card via QR code, NFC technology, digital format, etc. With most digital business cards, you can share your full profile or just a specific link - it depends on you.

How To Choose the Best Digital Business Card Solution

Choosing the right digital business card solution can be a daunting task.

With so many options available, it's hard to know which one is best for you and your business. 

To make the decision easier, here are some key points to consider when selecting a digital business card solution:

1. Cost 

Take into account the cost of different solutions and any additional fees associated with them, such as monthly subscription charges or setup costs. 

Consider both short-term and long-term costs before making your decision.

2. Features 

When selecting a digital business card solution, take into account what features are included in each one and how they will help you meet your goals. 

Look for features that make it easy to create high-quality cards that stand out from the competition, like customizable templates or unique design elements. 

Also, ensure an app provides you with CRM integrations so you can automatically store your data in one place.

3. Security 

Make sure that any digital business card solution you choose is secure and reliable so that your customer's information remains safe and private at all times. 

Check for encryption protocols to ensure that data is protected against potential threats like hacking or identity theft. 

4. Usability 

Consider how user-friendly each digital business card solution is when making your selection; look for solutions with an intuitive interface that makes it easy to create cards with minimal effort involved on your part. 

5. Support 

Before committing to a particular digital business card solution, ensure adequate support is provided should any issues arise down the road.

Kickstart Your Networking With Tapni Digital Business Cards

Once you have grasped the advantages of having a digital business card and how to design one, you must choose an appropriate electronic business card generator for your needs.

At Tapni, we aim to disrupt the traditional business card marketplace using a high-tech platform. 

Our digital business cards can be quickly and easily customized - providing an easy way to promote yourself professionally through a cutting-edge method.

Owing to its convenience and environmental sustainability, our platform allows you to do away with the need for printing paper business cards as well as circumvent clutter in your wallet/purse. 

Furthermore, you can easily tweak information on and change your digital business card on a whim, eliminating the need to order new physical cards.

Our platform provides you with an eye-catching digital card allowing for an exceptional portrayal of your brand. 

Additionally, due to its digital nature, you can insert items like web links or social media accounts, thus presenting a complete overview of who you are.

Using the Tapni app, you can easily export your connections to CSV or import them to your CRM system using some of our native integrations, such as Salesforce, Hubspot, Pipedrive, Zapier, and so on.

Tapni Send new leads directly to your CRM hubspot zapier microsoft dynamic pipedrive

So if you’re ready to boost your networking, choose the Tapni digital business card that fits your needs and get ready to connect at scale.





What Is the Difference Between Paper Cards and Digital Business Cards?

Paper cards are traditional physical business cards that have been used since the inception of commerce. 

They are usually printed on a piece of cardstock and contain all relevant contact information, such as your name, company name, job title, address, phone number, and website URL. 

Digital business cards are electronic versions of the same card type, but they can be sent digitally instead of via physical mail or hand-outs. 

Digital business cards often include extra features such as clickable links to websites or social media accounts where customers can learn more about you and your products or services.

Why Should You Have a Digital Business Card?

Whether you’re a freelancer or an established business owner, here are some reasons why having a digital business card is important.

  1. It’s easier to share - You no longer have to worry about carrying physical cards or running out of them when meeting new people. With your digital card, all it takes is one click to send your contact information directly to someone else’s phone or email address. 
  1. It saves time - By eliminating the need for manual data entry into contact management systems like Outlook or Google Contacts, you can save time entering contact information into different databases while still keeping it organized and up-to-date. 
  1. Makes you look professional - Having a professional-looking digital business card demonstrates that you take your work seriously and value efficiency over outdated methods of communication like paper cards or handwritten notes on postcards and flyers. 
  1. It enhances your brand - A well-designed digital card can help promote your brand by providing potential customers with easy access to information about your products/services as well as links back to your website or social media accounts where they can find out more about you and what you do best!

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