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Easily create and order new Digital Business Cards for current and new team members by synchronizing with your Azure, Google, or Slack Employee Directory in a matter of seconds.

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Revolutionizing the business card with digital technology - Tapni Europe

Revolutionizing the Business Card with Digital Technology

In the age of technology, it's time to say goodbye to the outdated and often cumbersome practice of exchanging paper business cards. Digital business cards are the future of networking, offering a convenient and eco-friendly way to share contact information.



At Tapni, we are dedicated to revolutionizing the business card industry with our innovative digital platform. Our digital business cards are easy to create and customize, allowing you to showcase your professional brand in a modern and effective way.

Why should you take our word for it when we tell you that Tapni is completely changing the way you connect with people at various events?

Imagine the following situation: you need a business card and you choose the traditional way - making paper business cards. In the design studio, you first ask for the design of your cards, which you then have to check before printing and request corrections due to possible defects.

Once you have printed paper business cards, there is a new challenge: you must carry them with you all the time, which means taking up unnecessary space in your pocket, wallet, or jacket. And more importantly, when you give someone your business card with your contacts on it, there is no way for that person to save or research your information other than manually entering it into their phone. Thus, the series of actions that needlessly take your time and energy continues, and the way of networking remains the same.


Share your Business and Contact Information in a smart, contactless, and sustainable way with a Next-generation


Gone are the days of carrying a bulky wallet full of paper business cards. With our digital platform, you can easily store and organize all of your contacts in one place.

And when the moment comes that you want to share your data, simply bring or touch your Tapni cardTapni sticker, Tapni wristband or Tapni keychain to the other party's device. And in a second you get the following result:

tapni how to share you digital business card


Not only is a digital business card more convenient, but it's also more eco-friendly. No more wasteful printing of paper business cards, and no more clutter in your wallet or purse. Plus, with our platform, you can easily update and make changes to your business card as needed, without having to order and distribute new physical cards.

In addition to the convenience and eco-friendliness of digital business cards, they offer a more professional and modern image. With our platform, you can create a sleek and stylish digital business card that accurately represents your brand. And because it's digital, you can include additional information, such as links to your website or social media profiles, to give a well-rounded view of your professional identity.


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