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How To Use QR Codes As An HR Manager?

How To Use QR Codes As An HR Manager?

It’s true that you can invest people, and then they can left.

It’s also true that you can decide not to invest, and they can stay. 🤷‍♀️

As a most powerful, and the most important asset of any company, people need a good leader, someone that cares about them, and gives them all the resources so they can give their best back to the company.

And that’s where the showtime starts for the Human Resources (HR) Managers. 🔥

HR departments began to play a key role in shaping corporate culture, employee development, and long-term organisational strategy. The introduction of technologies in the 1990s and early 2000s further modernised HR, making processes like payroll, recruitment, and performance tracking more efficient.

HR managers are essential to companies because they manage one of the most critical assets: the people.

And today we’ll find out how HR managers can organise better hiring calls by using QR Codes and some secret, but effective tactics.


What HR Managers Are Actually Doing?

HR managers have a wide range of responsibilities that focus on managing the people within an organisation. In short, here’s what HR managers are actually doing:

  • HR Managers identify staffing needs, they’re posting job ads, screening applicants, conducting interviews, and managing the hiring process. ✅
  • They are responsible for maintaining healthy relationships between employees and the organisation. This includes resolving conflicts, and promoting a positive work culture. They also handle issues like disciplinary actions, and terminations. ✅
  • HR Managers are organising training programs, skill development workshops, and leadership development initiatives. ✅
  • HR Managers are designing and implementing performance evaluation systems to assess employee performance. This includes setting performance goals, conducting reviews, and implementing feedback mechanisms to improve productivity and engagement. ✅
  • They are managing employee compensation packages, including salaries, bonuses, health benefits, and retirement plans. ✅


On top that, and probably more than anybody else, HR managers use data to inform decisions. They track metrics such as employee satisfaction, turnover rates, and recruitment efficiency to improve HR strategies and business outcomes. It’s usual that happy people are creating successful business - one can’t go without the other.

What Are The Challenges of the HR Managers?

Finding the right talent and keeping them engaged is one of the most critical challenges for HR managers.

This is especially a challenge today when so many people are working either fully from home, or they’re having a hybrid working regime - they’re working from the office 2-3 days a week, and then they’re working from home again for the rest of the week.

All that can affect the motivation, discipline, and other habits of the employees. The shift to remote and hybrid work has forced HR managers to rethink policies, communication strategies, and collaboration tools.

HR Managers are (more than ever) obligated to create programs that boost morale + help employees manage stress and burnout.

But before everything else, HR Managers must think about attracting new, talented, enthusiastic, and hard-working people.

Everybody is fighting for the attention today - every individual, every business, every company. That’s why another task of the HR Managers is to find fast, cost-effective, and improving solutions in order to attract the right applicants for any open position.

Here are few ideas on how HR Managers can attract the right talents better than they did before:

  1. By doing a podcast episode - it’s not mandatory for the HR Managers or for that specific company to start their own podcast. Today you can be a guest at some relevant podcast by offering a valuable partnership to the podcast host. As a guest, you can present the needs, values, culture and habits you’re nurturing inside the team. That will show to all those young people (and to everybody that’s looking for a job) on what values your company is based, and they will be able to connect easier with your mission & vision.
  2. By using the QR Codes - QR Codes are increasingly used in recruitment to application processes easier and target the right candidates, especially younger job seekers.
  3. By using current employee to get a new one - Implementing employee referral programs can help HR managers find high-quality candidates through current employees. When you look at it, it’s pretty cost-effective, and it’s cool when you attract a new team member that actually knows somebody from the team. It will help that person to adjust better to the company’s culture, and team vibes.


How To Use QR Codes As An HR Manager?

You need something that will make you different from other companies when we’re talking about hiring, right?

QR Codes can help you enormously when you’re trying to find the right person for the right job. Here’s how:

  1. HR Manager can add QR codes to job postings, both in print and online. Candidates can scan the code to be directed to the company’s job application portal, making it easy for them to apply directly from their smartphones.
  2. HR Managers can use QR codes on brochures, flyers, and banners at career fairs. When potential candidates scan the code, they can be taken to specific job listings or your career page. This also reduces the need for physical paperwork - let’s save some trees 🌳
  3. HR Managers can quickly create digital business cards for the HR team with embedded QR codes, allowing potential candidates to quickly access job descriptions or contact information.

But that’s not the end.

The QR Codes can be even more outstanding if you customise them with the company’s branding - with the logo, colours, add some call to action text. Additionally, it’s great if you can customise the link from the QR Code.

ďťżBy the way, here's some the biggest brands in the world are using QR Codes.

There are some platforms that will allow to do everything mentioned at one place. One of them is Tapni, a centralised platform for HR & Marketing Managers. Tapni Digital Business Card Solution offers different features for your networking, management and recruiting needs:

  • It measures how people are networking, which contact informations they’re using to share their informations, and with how many people they’re connecting  ✅
  • It gives you possibility to customise the digital business card for a single team member, a team, or for the entire company.  ✅
  • You’ll also be able to customise the QR Codes, and use them for different networking, marketing & branding purposes.  ✅
  • You can integrate your digital business card with Apple/Google Wallet  ✅
  • If you’re using some CRM tool, like HubSpot or Salesforce, you can easily integrate Tapni Dashboard with your preferred CRM, and export all the users you collect with Tapni Digital Business card to your CRM  ✅
  • This platform also offers Custom Domains Integration, which means that your digital business cards can be linked to the specific domain you want (for example instead of  ✅

📦 Wrapping It Up

Whether it’s restructuring, mergers, or adapting to new market conditions, HR managers play a key role in managing organisational change. Supporting employees through transitions while ensuring the business continues to grow can be difficult.

By using the QR Codes from digital providers like Tapni, HR Managers can save their time, improve their processes and standard operating procedures (SOPs) in order to attract the right candidates, and make their team better. For those purposes they can:

🎁 Bonus: How To Create A Proper Hiring Call

HR Managers, if it’s time to get some fresh energy in your team, let's see how you can make the best hiring call so far.

When you’re trying to add new person to your team, and you want to create a proper hiring call, there are few important things:

  • When advertising to cold audiences - also known as low trust audiences - you have to put more effort into the advertisement itself. So even with a good title/pay/Employee Value Proposition (EVP), a smaller percentage of people will respond. You’ll get over this hurdle by putting the offer in front of more people, also known as volume negates luck. If you’re not seeing an Return On Investment (ROI) most of the time, it’s because..

    • The right people never saw it ❌
    • The right people saw it but we’re not compelled to apply ❌

    So to make a search fruitful, the right people have to see it.

  • When beginning a search you need to determine:

    1. Which platform(s) contain the ideal audience? 👀
    2. How do I title my job in a way that targets that audience? 👀
    3. How do I craft my ad (job description) in a way that compels them to apply? 👀

Let’s say that you would like to hire Customer Experience Associate. Here are the questions you’ll ask yourself:

  • Which platform(s) contain the ideal audience? 1️⃣

    • LinkedIn: Primary audience here makes above 100k so I would probably not assume they come here Indeed: Primary audience makes less than 100k so I would post here Outbound: Sure but would not start here Social Media: YES, tons of people in our network with these skills
  • How do I title my job in a way that targets that audience? 2️⃣

    • Why do we choose Customer Experience Associate? → Service = attracts lower skilled worker, lots of transactional service work with low ticket items (desk support, cheap items)
  • Transactional rather than relational experience 3️⃣ → Experience = attracts worker with higher skillset, ability to talk to customers, descalate upset customers

  • Relational experience rather than transactional 4️⃣ → Associate = attracts someone more junior who we can still train up and invest in but who is not SUPER green. If we said “manager” we would likely attract Customer Support Managers who are a bit overqualified and would likely grow bored of the role quickly.

🎁 Bonus #2: The Framework For A Job Description

If you cannot excite someone and speak to your target audience in the first line, the likelihood they continue to read is LOW. Most job requirements lose the best candidates in the first line.

In the first line you want to speak to their dream job, as well as the ways in which we see this role differently. “Why should they apply here and not the other Customer Experience job???”

Example Hook: In this role you are truly the “face” of the company to all customers. When a customer thinks about, they will associate the company primarily with the experience you provide them with. 💫

Retain With Values: Now that you have them reading, explain why the values of the company are important, what they are, and how they translate into this role. 💫

Example Retain: That is why it is imperative the person in this role embodies our values - sincere candour, competitive greatness & unimpeachable character. 💫

Show Time: Now let them know what they will DO, and speak against any fears they may have of this being another pit of drudgery like past jobs. 💫

Show Time Example: You will provide white-glove service by working with each customer to ensure they receive timely, comprehensive responses to inquiries and to improve upon any areas of potential dissatisfaction. This is a relational role, not transactional - we will empower and give you the tools and training to turn every customer experience into a positive one! 🎉

You will be expected to provide support to customers with the goal of answering all questions about upcoming product update and new features in a way that excites customers. To be a successful Customer Experience Associate, one must excel at working directly with clients to problem solve or answer inquiries, think critically, communicate kindly with clients and teammates, and identify opportunities for improved customer experience so you can create lasting relationships.

P.S. If you want to make sure that you’re using the right words for your hiring call, check out this template we created while searching for our own Chief Marketing Officer (CMO).

If you want to dive deeper into how to properly & effectively share your informations, and how much it is important to nurture your existing HR Manager roll, make sure to read some of the articles bellow:

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