#1 Business Solution
for In-Person Networking
Manage Teams, Collect Leads & Automate Workflows
Kot naš vodja prodaje boste del majhne, dinamične in mednarodne ekipe ter sodelovali s soustanovitelji pri misiji digitalizacije vizitk. Vodili boste celoten prodajni proces od začetka do konca, gradnjo cevovodov in sklenitev poslov.
Na voljo boste imeli tudi prodajno ekipo in raziskovalce, ki bodo pri roki opravili vse raziskave iskanja ter zaprli in vključili stranke. Poleg tega bo naš sistem za ustvarjanje potencialnih strank rezerviral razumno število sestankov za vas. Opremili vas bomo z vsem, kar potrebujete za uspeh, vključno s proračunom za samorazvoj in dostopom do vrhunskih prodajnih izobraževanj.
Prodaja ni le del te vloge, je življenjska sila našega izdelka in vse, kar počnemo, je zaradi tega predhodne izkušnje s prodajo ali razvojem prodaje nujne. Bili boste energični, radovedni in pozitivni, z lovsko miselnostjo in odličnimi pisnimi in verbalnimi komunikacijskimi veščinami.
Če ste pripravljeni, da se pridružite majhni, hitro rastoči mednarodni ekipi, se pridružite našemu panju!
Manage Teams, Collect Leads & Automate Workflows
Share blog posts, products, or promotions with your customers. Use this text to describe products, share details on availability and style, or as a space to display recent reviews or FAQs.
Share blog posts, products, or promotions with your customers. Use this text to describe products, share details on availability and style, or as a space to display recent reviews or FAQs.
Share blog posts, products, or promotions with your customers. Use this text to describe products, share details on availability and style, or as a space to display recent reviews or FAQs.
Share blog posts, products, or promotions with your customers. Use this text to describe products, share details on availability and style, or as a space to display recent reviews or FAQs.
Share blog posts, products, or promotions with your customers. Use this text to describe products, share details on availability and style, or as a space to display recent reviews or FAQs.
Share blog posts, products, or promotions with your customers. Use this text to describe products, share details on availability and style, or as a space to display recent reviews or FAQs.
Share blog posts, products, or promotions with your customers. Use this text to describe products, share details on availability and style, or as a space to display recent reviews or FAQs.
Share blog posts, products, or promotions with your customers. Use this text to describe products, share details on availability and style, or as a space to display recent reviews or FAQs.
Share blog posts, products, or promotions with your customers. Use this text to describe products, share details on availability and style, or as a space to display recent reviews or FAQs.
Share blog posts, products, or promotions with your customers. Use this text to describe products, share details on availability and style, or as a space to display recent reviews or FAQs.
Share blog posts, products, or promotions with your customers. Use this text to describe products, share details on availability and style, or as a space to display recent reviews or FAQs.
Share blog posts, products, or promotions with your customers. Use this text to describe products, share details on availability and style, or as a space to display recent reviews or FAQs.
Share blog posts, products, or promotions with your customers. Use this text to describe products, share details on availability and style, or as a space to display recent reviews or FAQs.
Share blog posts, products, or promotions with your customers. Use this text to describe products, share details on availability and style, or as a space to display recent reviews or FAQs.
25,000+ Happy Customers
Manage Teams, Collect Leads & Automate Workflows